• CFD,  OpenFOAM,  openSUSE

    Installing OpenFOAM 2.2.x on openSUSE 12.3

    The following procedure illustrates how to install OpenFOAM 2.2.x from the git repository on openSUSE 12.3, for the current users. Install the C/C++ development pattern: zypper install -t pattern devel_C_C++ Install other dependencies (gnuplot is optional, but useful): zypper install cmake gnuplot openmpi openmpi-devel git-core zypper install libqt4-devel libQtWebKit-devel libQtAssistantClient4 Check that openmpi 1.6 is selected as default with: mpi-selector --list The output should read: “openmpi-1.6”. If not, use mpi-selector to configure the default version of openmpi (this can be done for the individual user or system-wide, acquiring administrative rights) Create the OpenFOAM directory in your home directory: mkdir ~/OpenFOAM Move to the OpenFOAM directory: cd ~/OpenFOAM Download the source code from the git repository: git…

  • CFD,  OpenFOAM

    Installing OpenFOAM 2.1.x on openSUSE 12.1

    OpenFOAM® 2.1.x has just been released, and brings an interesting number of new functions concerning arbitrary mesh interface (AMI), multiphase solvers, turbulence modeling, improved run-time control and new numerical methods. Assuming that OpenFOAM will be installed in the user’s home directory, the procedure to install OpenFOAM 2.1.x (git version) on openSUSE 12.1 is then as follows: Install the C/C++ development pattern: zypper install -t pattern devel_C_C++ Install other dependencies (gnuplot is optional, but useful): zypper install cmake libqt4-devel gnuplot openmpi openmpi-devel git-core Make sure git is installed zypper install git-core Check that openmpi 1.4.3 is selected as default with: mpi-selector --list The output should read: “openmpi-1.4.3”. If not, use mpi-selector to configure the default version of openmpi (this…

  • CFD,  Linux,  OpenFOAM,  openSUSE

    Install OpenFOAM 2.0.x on openSUSE 12.1

    OpenSUSE 12.1 has just been released, and it carries gcc 4.6, and, for those interested clang/LLVM. Installing OpenFOAM® 2.0.x follows the usual pattern. Only a few minor modifications have to be made to be able to use gcc 4.6 and the version of openMPI provided by openSUSE 12.1 (openmpi-1.4.3). Additionally I replaced paraview 3.10.1 with ParaView 3.12.0. Assuming that OpenFOAM will be installed in the user’s home directory, the procedure to install OpenFOAM 2.0.x (git version) on openSUSE 12.1 is then as follows: Install the C/C++ development pattern: zypper install -t pattern devel_C_C++ Install other dependencies: zypper install cmake libqt4-devel gnuplot openmpi openmpi-devel Check that openmpi 1.4.3 is selected as default with: mpi-selector --list The output should read:…

  • CFD,  OpenFOAM

    OpenFOAM 2.0.x and openSUSE 11.4

    OpenCFD® released OpenFOAM® 2.0.0, which brings many developments and improvements. In parallel to the release of OpenFOAM 2.0.0, the git repository was updated to 2.0.x. Usually I write a detailed procedure to explain the installation of OpenFOAM on openSUSE, however with OpenFOAM 2.0.0 this is not necessary anymore. Only a few minor operations have to be made to be able to use gcc 4.5 and the version of openMPI provided by openSUSE 11.4 (openmpi-1.2.8). Assuming that OpenFOAM will be installed in the user’s home directory, the procedure to install OpenFOAM 2.0.x (git version) on openSUSE 11.4 is then as follows: Install the C/C++ development pattern: zypper install -t pattern devel_C_C++ Install other dependencies: zypper install cmake libqt4-devel gnuplot…

  • openSUSE

    LaTeX and kile on openSUSE 11.2

    Kile, the KDE LaTeX editor, does not pull texlive as dependency in openSUSE 11.2. To have a fully working installation, simply install the texlive-latex package. You can do that very quickly typing the following command in a root terminal: zypper in texlive-latex and answering “yes” to proceed.

  • Linux,  openSUSE

    Compiling PETSc on openSUSE 11.1

    PETSc is a library for parallel computations that allows easy and transparent creation of both serial and parallel codes. It is based on BLAS, Lapack and MPI. To build the library on openSUSE 11.1, without relying on locally compiled BLAS, Lapack and MPI, but using the system libraries does require some additional settings, due to the missing configuration in the openmpi RPM’s. The steps to compile a local, per-user version of PETSc are the following: Add the Science repository to obtain the latest version of openmpi with the command (a previous version of openmpi is also available in the standard OSS repository, and the procedure to build PETSc against it…

  • OpenFOAM

    Installing OpenFOAM 1.5.x on OpenSUSE 11.1

    I have recently installed OpenFOAM 1.5.x following the procedure I explained in this post some time ago. With OpenSUSE 11.1, paraview and paraFOAM work properly after being recompiled following these simple instructions: Install OpenSUSE 11.1, which can be downloaded from here. Install qt4-devel: as root, type zypper in libqt4-devel Download OpenFOAM 1.5 from git repository (See here) Download the third-party packages from OpenCFD site Source the bash configuration file for OpenFOAM, as usual. Edit ~/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty/ParaView3.3-cvs/CMakeLists.txt and comment out the line: MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR “Qt ${QTVERSION} not supported. Please use Qt 4.3 (you may need to clean your dirtied cache).”) Compile paraview and its reader following the instructions provided in OpenFOAM 1.5.x README…

  • Linux

    OpenOffice 3.0

    OpenOffice 3.0 has been released since a while, with a new set of very interesting functionalities like ODF 1.2 support, Mac Os X support, Microsoft Office 2007 OOXML import filters, new collaboration features, PDF/A support, and a lot more. OpenOffice 3.0 can be installed on openSUSE 11.0 directly from the openSUSE Build Service. You simply need to add the OpenOffice:Stable repository to your installations sources with: zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/OpenOffice.org:/STABLE/openSUSE_11.0/ OpenOffice:Stable and then open YaST -> Software -> Software management, search for “openoffice”, and update all the OpenOffice installed packages by clicking on them, and by selecting the appropriate option when conflicts appear. Extensions to the base OpenOffice 3 installation can…

  • OpenFOAM

    OpenCFD releases patched OpenFOAM 1.5

    OpenCFD released a patched version of OpenFOAM 1.5 today, via a git repository. You can find the official announcement here. The procedure to install it on openSUSE 11.0 is straightforward: Be sure to have git installed. You can check it with rpm -qa git If it is not installed, you can easily install it with the command (as root): zypper in git provided you have the OSS repository in your repository list (check with zypper lr, and eventually add it using Yast -> Software -> Installation sources). As a user, download the OpenFOAM patched source code using the command: git clone git://repo.or.cz/OpenFOAM-1.5.x.git This will create a directory called OpenFOAM-1.5.x, containing…

  • openSUSE

    A quick look at openSUSE 10.3 beta 2

    I have just installed OpenSUSE 10.3 beta 2 on my desktop to see how its development is going on. I used the GNOME 1 CD installation. As usual, the installation was smooth, as I already noticed when I tried alpha 7. All the hardware was properly recognized and configured, with the exception of my Ralink RT 2570 wireless card, which was detected and identified, but was unable to negotiate a connection with my router, when I tried to configure it. However this time ndiswrapper was on the CD, so I was able to quickly set up my wireless card.   Installation and updates sources can be automatically added during the…