
Samba and openSUSE 10.3

Using samba with openSUSE might cause some issues in certain conditions due to the presence of SuSEfirewall2, which blocks network high ports of your system. However, it is possible to configure the network to allow samba to work properly. The prodecure is simple, and can be done using YaST, as follows:


  • Use YaST -> Network services -> Samba server and Samba client tools to configure samba accordingly to your needs, and select to open the firewall ports. This properly sets SuSEfirewall2 to open the static samba ports 137, 138, 139 and 445, but doesn’t open high ports, required for some features like network browsing.
  • Open YaST -> System -> /etc/sysconfig editor, and in the tree on your left select Network -> Firewall -> SuSEfirewall, and locate the FW_SERVICES_ACCEPT_EXT entry.
  • Assign to this entry the following value: 0/0,tcp,1024:65535,137:139 0/0,udp,1024:65535,137:139
  • Accept and confirm the change.
  • Reboot your system or restart samba services to make samba aware of the changes.